04 May 2018

time to get back on track, again

I was doing so well in the fall with weight loss... so darn well. And now, the winter lasted forever, and I was lazy and complacent, and I ate what I wanted, and now it's showing. I started to gain weight back, and I'm very much not happy with myself over it. But the winter is over now, and the weather is beautiful, and I already have no desire to eat heavy foods, and am craving fruits and salads and yogurt. Time to get myself back to where I was a few months ago. Time to push, and fight, and re-lose these pounds I gained back, and then keep losing from there. No more excuses, no more allowing myself to fail over and over again.

I can do this. I proved that I could do this in the fall when weight just started falling off my body, and I was dropping sizes like crazy. People were telling me on a daily basis that I was looking better and better, and it was true. Time to get those walking shoes out and put them to good use. Time to choose healthy snacks, and start packing lunches again. Time to lay off the bread and iced teas and juices.

Water. Vegetables. Fruits. Nuts. Healthy food.

I've got this. Because I have to have this. Because there are things that I want to do in my life, and being the fat girl just isn't going to work for me anymore.

If you need me, I'll be at the park... walking... a lot.

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