12 March 2018

31 Days of Self Love - Day 12

What things make you feel happy to be alive? At one point in my life, I just plain didn't feel happy to be alive. My mindset and my attitude have changed tremendously fairly recently, and I find reasons to be happy everywhere.

My biggest source of happiness is my pets. I truthfully love them more than any people I know - which I think might bother some of the people I know. Knowing that I get to come home to my four-legged-babies who love me unconditionally is such a sweet blessing.

My boyfriend makes me happy to be alive. We're so much alike, but also balance out each other's flaws somehow. He calms down my crazy sometimes, and I calm down his crazy sometimes. He somehow manages to keep my from completely losing it much of the time, and bringing me back down to reality when I'm just really not okay.

Being able to travel makes me feel happy to be alive. Even if it isn't far, even if it's just to the next town over to see something, the fact that I have the opportunity and the means to go somewhere - anywhere - is a great source of happiness for me. Last year, I started making it a point to get out and see things in my area. Once the weather clears up, I'll be back at it. Hiking trails, scenic overlooks, historic sites - I want to take them all in.

I really went from being a girl who was ready to not even be alive anymore, to a girl who somehow finds positive in almost every situation. Some days, there is still a struggle - and some days that struggle is huge - but it gets better every day.

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