06 April 2018

I Am a Woman

I love my early mornings. I set my alarm for four thirty, just so that I have an hour all to myself before I have to make sure that the boyfriend is up for work. That hour usually involves time to take the dogs outside, clean the litter boxes, feed the cats, and sit here at the computer catching up on Facebook, writing in this blog, or looking for inspiration somewhere out there to help me tackle my day.

This morning, I am sitting here listening to music, enjoying my Thrive lifestyle mix for breakfast, and one of my favorite songs just came on Spotify. It always amazes me how much a song can trigger emotions, or memories, or how sometimes you can hear it and you can somehow hear it differently that you've been hearing it all of the other times.

I've listened to "I Am a Woman" by Coley McCabe so many times in the last couple of years. I have two different CDs, that feature two different versions of the song, and I pop it on from time to time when sitting at the computer once in a while. I've heard it live, and it's always beautiful and powerful, and I know that it elicits emotion from Coley when she's singing it. Today, though, it somehow hit me extra hard. I somehow felt the emotions that I know it was meant to make me feel. Perhaps it took me going through some hard times, and coming out on top to feel like I was some of the aspects of the song. Perhaps it took listening in the morning, when the world was still asleep, during my peaceful calmness.

I have loved this song since the very first time that I heard it. I have looked through the book that Mary Sue Englund put together about the song with pride and admiration. But somehow, today, I love the song even more than I have ever loved it before.

The song is available on two different Coley McCable CD's (Thom & Coley's "I'm With U" plus Coley's "One of These Days" albums). If you love the song, you can also grab the book (which comes with the CD single, of course!) here: http://iamawomansurvivor.com/ 

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