10 April 2018


I have decided that changes are, in fact, going to be made on the work-front. I am not entirely sure yet what that will mean for my schedule, but it looks as though I might be working even earlier hours here going forward. I am one hundred percent excited at the aspect of going in to work at five or six in the morning, rather than seven - especially with summer approaching. Getting out at two or three, and having time to go walking, or go sit by the pool sounds absolutely delightful.

The changes mean that I will be taking a small pay cut, but the reduced stress will be worth it. I figure that I can always find some way to help supplement my income if I have to. I am very excited to start my new role here in a few weeks!

In other terribly exciting news, it's snowing. Again. I swear this Pennsylvania winter is just never going to end. My poor dogs are so confused these days, and I know that they were just longing for nice long walks at the park at this point. Poor things. I can't tolerate the cold at this point. I was fine, and then I dropped a bunch of weight, and now the cold goes right through me. My body can't handle being out in it for long at all, so the poor dogs are stuck with quick little trips outside until I can bear the weather (and then, look out dogs! I hope you're prepared to walk five miles at a time!). I am so ready for mild weather, for long walks at the park, for sitting by the pool.

I am hoping that the last week of April into the first few days is mild to warm - the boyfriend and I will be on vacation from work, though we aren't actually going anywhere (the original plan was Florida for a concert, but I just couldn't afford it at this point, plus I had no one to watch the pets for the week). I need walks outside, and mild weather for getting the yard summer-ready, and cleaning off the porch, and having a fire to get rid of our stash of cardboard in the basement. Even a few days in the sixties would make me happy at this point.

Once vacation is over, it will be time to start getting ready for my work change, so I am going to be working hard to get my departments in order between now and then so that whoever my replacement is has an easier time than I had a year ago when I took over.

Life is about to get crazy and wonderful. I can't hardly wait.

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