01 April 2018

New month, new start

I find it sort of fitting that Easter falls on the first of a month this year. April Fool's Day aside, it's kind of nice that it's a nice new beginning. Despite what the calendar actually says, Easter always felt like the start of Spring for me, so new month, new season, new beginnings. It's almost time to start seeing baby deer in my yard, and I'm hoping that the robins build a nest in the tree by my porch again this year and give me sweet new babies to watch grow up. The smell of hyacinths at work these last two weeks or so took me back to my being a kid and walking to church with my family when we lived in the city. Somehow, that is Spring to me - the hyacinths.

For me, this day has extra significance now. One year ago yesterday, I officially moved back to northeastern Pennsylvania, making today the anniversary of the first day I was really back. One year ago, my first kitten in my batch of current cats was born - though I wouldn't know of her existence until six weeks or so later, or of her birthdate until I officially adopted her at nine weeks old. She's my new beginning as far as animal rescue goes, and she opened my heart to the idea of saving FeLV+ cats again - something I never thought I could do again had you asked me in mid-March of last year.

I'm not particularly religious - other than believing that there is a God - plus I have to work today and miss holiday festivities with my family (though I may be able to head to my sister-in-law's this evening after work for dinner and fun with her, her kids, and my brother). Today seems like more of a reflective day for me. I woke up thinking about new beginnings, and about what I can do to change somethings, starting today. After my work hiccup the other day, I decided to fight harder and be even better this year than I was these last few months. I have ideas for merchandising and events that pertain to my department. I have ideas for getting back on track and standing out as one of the good ones again. I have non-work plans that involve getting my yard summer-ready - cleaning up leaves and debris, planting more grass, planting flowers, cleaning up the fire pit, cleaning the deck. 

I'm taking some time off at the end of the month, which will give me more time to get the property cleaned up, and some time to do some things I've been wanting to do since moving back home - day trips to some of the places I used to visit as a kid, long walks by the lake, rediscovering places that I've long forgotten.

It's a new day, everyone. A new month. A new season. You can change anything about yourself right now (to be fair, you can do that any day, but today seems extra fitting for it). Get out there. Be who you want to be. Change what you need to change.

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