18 April 2018


The kitten that I assumed had cerebellar hypoplasia was confirmed to, in fact, not have it. My undereducated self just sort of assumed that all wobbly-ness in cats was the same, but apparently there are a ton of things that it could be attributed to. Zelda (I let the boyfriend name her - how generous am I?!) is being treated for (but not officially diagnosed with) toxoplasmosis. Two weeks on antibiotics should give us an idea whether that's what it is. Otherwise? It's back to the vet for some more ideas. Two weeks of quarantining, of daily antibiotics, and of being extra careful when dealing with her litter box.

I guess it's sort of a blessing that I took her in without knowing her feline leukemia status. Had she been positive, I probably would have let her just mingle with the others, which it turns out could have gotten them sick. I was worried about getting her sick, but it looks like I had it backwards. We did run a test today and determined that baby Z is negative, which will likely mean a feline leukemia vaccination at our visit in two weeks.

My vet seemed relieved when I made it clear that I was okay with whatever issue this might be. As long as the baby continues to seem happy, and not in pain, we're going to figure this out. I assume that she thought I would euthanize if antibiotics didn't improve her situation, but that is certainly not my plan. If she gets to a point where she is clearly in pain, and her quality of life is awful, we will discuss that then. But for now? She's just an odd little wobbly-headed kitten with a huge personality, and tons of love to give out. 

Oh, and I swear I'm done now. I SWEAR. I'm thinking about changing my number so that cat rescue people quit calling me.

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