So here we are, day one...
I already have an "about me" section on here, but let's do some more stuff! I'm a little pressed for time this morning, as I have to leave for work a little bit earlier than usual, so I will do this in bullet-form today.
- I always swore I would never move back home to Pennsylvania, but came back a little over a year ago, and now I just wonder why I waited so long to make the move.
- I am the youngest of four kids, and the others are all boys. My parents assumed I would be a boy, too, and never thought to pick out a girl name - I image a weird sort of chaos in the operating room (C-section baby! Woohoo!) when they realized they'd need to figure something out - I was given my mom's name.
- My ultimate life dream is to own lots of property, with a modest home, and tons of room to rescue pets. The big ultimate dream includes having a sterile room for veterinary reasons, a barn so that I could rescue a horse or two, loads and loads of room for animals to run (I mean domesticated animals - I'm not looking to have a safari). My dream property is currently for sale, but they're asking $3.5 million, so I think I'll just have to hold off... since I have about $300 in my life savings at this point.
- My life has been a crazy struggle of being depressed and anxious, and never even realizing this was a thing. I'm not diagnosed with anything, but I know that I have bad anxiety and depression issues (which I have, thankfully, been able to manage without medication at this point). I was at a point that it was bad, though... where I thought I'd have to be committed, and I didn't understand what was wrong with me. Once I did some research and figured out what was wrong, I was able to help myself to cope.
- None of my best friends live close to me, and this always makes me pretty sad. Luckily, we find ways to get together at least once every year for a road trip, or meet halfway for a dinner or something else fun.
- I'm very unorganized, but wish that I was one of those people who used planners, and had their lives together. I pretty much just wing it all of the time, and then remember things when I wake up in the morning (like the fact that I want to go my niece's play tonight).
- I always did very well in school, but lacked ambition, and never knew what I wanted to be (asking a seventeen year old kid to know what they want to be when they're thirty seems a little crazy to me, but perhaps I'm alone in that), so I took time off after high school, then went to college, then left college to move... I need two classes for an associates degree in liberal arts, which would literally mean nothing... It took until I was thirty-four to have a concrete idea of what I want to do - but lack of finances are keeping me from that.
- I haven't had cable in years, and watch whatever I can on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I mostly live on reruns of "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation," and I have no idea who any new/current celebrities are - and honestly, I feel that my life is just fine this way.
- One of my goals in life is to be a writer in some aspect - even if it's just blogging about something and having a decent following. I love using words, and turning them into something. I'm pretty fascinated by the human mind and its ability to understand and learn language.
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