07 June 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 16

If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time on earth?

I actually find this questions very anxiety-inducing. It's not so much that I worry about the world ending and ceasing to exist (or whatever happens at the end - heaven or whatnot), but the idea of trying to pack in one last awesome day gives me anxiety. My best friends are all spread out (the closest ones being three to four hours away by car), so getting to all of them before the world ends just isn't feasible. I would go somewhere calming, with my dogs. We would probably just go to the local state park, spend time walking together, and playing on the beach.

It's funny - I probably wouldn't even try to fit in anything elaborate, because I have the cats at home, too, and if the world was ending, I would want to be with all of my pets. After spending time with the dogs outside somewhere, I would just come home and spend time with the cats as well. Just me and all of my favorite little fur balls... 

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