04 June 2014

Wednesday Wishes - 02


It's that time again! Time to link up with Anne from Love the Here and Now for Wednesday Wishes. My wishes are pretty superficial, to be entirely honest, but I'm pretty set on all of the important things in life.

  • I wish that I had someone to walk with. The dogs are terrific, for sure, but it would be nice to have some good conversation other than "stop! No! Stop peeing on everything!" 
  • I wish I wasn't intimidated about going to a gym. My goal is to join a gym after I lose about thirteen more pounds (you know, little goals and all). But I am so freaking intimidated by it. I am afraid that I will be the only fat person in there (I realize that this is probably not accurate) and that people will stare at me and wonder why such a fatty is in there at all (yes. I do have issues). I also have no idea how to use any sort of exercise equipment, so there's that.
  • I wish I knew where I wanted to go next in my life (look for a post on this in the relatively near future. I need advice, like woah!).


  1. I wish you were here, then we could walk the dogs together!

    1. Yes! That would be fantastic!

      I am actually wondering if it would be weird to post on Craigslist or something, looking for a walking buddy. :-/

  2. So glad you linked up, thank you! I have to look into some of those boxes...they look good! I am intimidated by gyms too; I think that we always imagine it will be worse than it actually is. I'm a fan of taking long walks instead.

    1. So far the long walks are doing well for me. But I feel like there is more I should be doing - hence the desire for the gym. But I am just such a self-conscious mess of a person, lol.

  3. Stopping by from the link up - I wish I knew where I wanted to go next too!! No little wishes here :) Also, having been a 'new starter' at about five gyms in the last 10 years and being anxious *every* time - they make you do an orientation first where they will show you how to use any and all equipment that you want. That helped me look *slightly* less like an idiot on machines I tried!!

    1. Oooh! That's good! Because I'd be an idiot trying to figure out how things work! I live in a tiny town, and the only thing we have here is a YMCA. Thinking that might have to be where I go. Hoping it's worth it!
