16 March 2018

31 Days of Self Love - Day 16

What is the most loving thing you've ever done for yourself? It's crazy that this feels almost selfish, but the most loving thing I've ever done for myself was to start actually putting myself first.

Now, I really still am one of the most giving, helpful people I know. If someone is down on their luck, I am the first one there to help them out, with food or money or a place to crash for a while. And really, I think I'll always be that person. But I also got to a point where I realized that all I was doing was things that would benefit others, and nothing that would benefit me. I was tired, I was broken. I realized after a very long time that you can't pour from an empty cup.

It's sort of ironic, I think, that the person who made me really see the need for self-care was a person who's also been through a lot, and who also seemed pretty broken. A friend had gone through some serious mental health stuff, and was pretty bad off (thankfully she seems so much better these days, but I know it's still a constant struggle for her), and I knew that it was going to get to that point for me if I didn't take a deep breath, back off, and take some time for myself. Truly, taking care of me was the most loving thing I could ever do for myself.


  1. "You can't pour from an empty cup." I love this phrase! It took me a long time to come to this conclusion, as well. I used to feel selfish EVERY time I did something just for me, but now when that little voice in the back of my head starts questioning whether or not I'm being selfish, I promptly tell it to SHUT UP!

    1. YES! And it took me such a long time to get to that point for me. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown when I finally realized I was allowed to tell people no. It was a glorious day!
