18 March 2018

31 Days of Self Love - Day 18

You know, I never actually look at these questions until I am ready to sit down and type them out. In hindsight, I probably should have written them out on paper, taken notes before I sat in front of the computer, maybe acted halfway organized.

But I think anyone who knows me knows that that isn't my style. Wing it. That's me. Always winging it. I wake up early, take my Thrive (aka my lifesaving magical potion) and settle down at the computer, fairly excited to see what new things this exercise will push me to think about. I'm actually kind of glad that I wing it... it works for me. With that...

What's one change you can make to increase your happiness? It's funny - I've already worked on so many of these things, without anticipating that I would ever sit down and try to write about improving my life. Now, I'm not saying that my life is perfect - it's far from it - but the last several months, I've really been working on me, my happiness, and becoming a better person.

Going forward, I'd like to work on voicing concerns and issues I have, rather than bottling them up so much. I always spend so much time trying to make sure that everyone else is happy and comfortable (not a bad attribute, I'd say), that I let things build up and bother me a lot. Then, when I do finally let them out, it's like an emotional explosion, and everyone is so confused about where it came from. Last summer, I had anxiety/panic attacks on a regular basis. I hadn't yet figured out how to master my anxiety (it still gets the better of me more often than I care to admit), and on a weekly basis, I'd be in full panic mode - usually complete with tears and screaming, and occasionally I'd just completely shut down for a bit. The newer me has worked through a lot of that, but I hope to do so even more.

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