25 March 2018

31 Days of Self Love - Day 25

What things are you really really good at? I feel like it's not so much a bunch of things that I'm good at - I mean, I can't play sports, I'm certainly no artist, my singing voice is subpar - but there's things I'm good at that aren't regularly rated.

I'm good at caring about other people. It's actually sort of weird, because I'm awful at giving advice, but I'm good at just being there for people, recognizing when someone is having a bad day, or finding some silly little way to cheer them up.

I'm good at gift-giving. I tend to be really observant about the kinds of things that people are into, and I give out gifts accordingly. I'm not really one who can give a gift just because I feel the need to give someone a gift (and it might sound selfish, but I take it really personally when someone gives me a gift that they put zero thought into. I don't need anything expensive, but if you feel like you know me enough to give me a gift, at least show that you know me. Otherwise, why are you even giving me a gift?).

I'm good at writing and expressing my feelings in writing. I feel like I sound fairly stupid when speaking to me, but I manage to come across well if I have a moment to sit down and write things out.

I'm good at seeing things from someone else's point of view. This tends to work especially well for me when friends are venting about a disagreement with another friend or family member. I'm generally able to look at things from a neutral standpoint, and point out how I think the other person may be feeling, even if they've not expressed it. I have a friend who's dealing with some pretty tough family issues, and I was able to listen to her side, and then point out how I think the other person might be feeling, but never taking a side (because I don't feel that it's my place to take a side in a situation that has nothing to do with me).

I'm good at admitting when I'm wrong or admitting if I just don't have the answer. There are so many debates that I see people getting into (social media is so great for that, especially) where you can tell that both sides stand firm in their convictions, but neither one has a true grasp of why they feel the way they are fighting about. I have seen friendships end over the nonsense of people not being able to at least say "I feel this way, but I understand why you feel that way," or "this is the way it is, even though I have exactly zero bits of evidence to back it up..." I'm the first one to admit that I don't have all of the answers, and I'm really okay with that.

Mostly, I think I'm good at evolving. Whether it's because I am presented with new information and am able to shift my way of thinking, or I move and have to start over and learn a new place and new group of people. I'm good at sort of rolling with the punches in those regards.

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