25 March 2018

Step One: Open your Mind

I originally wrote this as a Facebook status, intending for it only to be a short paragraph or two. As you can see, I got a little bit carried away. I felt like sharing it here would be helpful as I work on looking for things to talk about after my 31 Days of Self Love is over. I try to stay away from controversy, hot-button topics, and politics on my Facebook (and in general, if I'm honest). I actually posted a comment - that wasn't even politically charged yesterday - on a status that someone else posted, and found today that the entire post was deleted (easier than arguing with me, I guess?). But, this post has been a long time coming...

I think the world would be such a better place if people had the courage to admit that they DON'T have all of the answers. I love that people have opinions, and I love that they feel that they can express them without fear. What I do not love is that no one seems to be even the slightest bit flexible. Perhaps social media just magnifies this all, and it makes it harder for me to ignore. Perhaps it was always like this, and I just didn't see it.

I'm not Republican or Democrat; I'm not conservative or liberal; I'm not for guns or against them. I believe that there's a God, but I'm not even really sure what that means in terms of my everyday life. I don't know what will happen when I die, because I've never died. I don't know all of the answers.

I can't tell you what to believe, because I don't know every ounce of your truth. I don't know your education, your home life, your religious upbringing, your cultural background. I don't know if your life has been all sunshine and roses, or if you come from a history of abuse or hardships. I don't know if God was in your home or if you grew up never knowing His name. And the thing is - none of you know my entire truth either.

The fact that we are all so quick to be so absolute in our convictions that we don't waiver at all terrifies me. I have friends who I know are gun-toting rednecks (by their own description), and I have friends who march in rallies to fight for stricter gun control. I have friends who are in church every Sunday morning, and I have friends who will post scientific evidence to try to prove that there is no God at all. I have friends who support Trump, and I have friends counting down the days until the next election to try to vote him out. I have friends who have had abortions, and I have friends who march for its abolition. I have friends who are vegan and vegetarian because it's the right choice for them, and friends who love a good steak. I have friends who think pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, and friends who love a good pineapple pizza.

Do you know why I have friends from all walks of life? Because I am open-minded. I hear their sides. I listen to their words. I try to see things from their side. I listen to understand - not to wait for my turn to try to prove them wrong. I'm not asking anyone to change their opinions, but I am asking them to open up their minds to at least TRY to understand why someone else might have a different view.

Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean they're WRONG. And just because you feel strongly, that doesn't mean you're RIGHT.


  1. I grew up on 80s music (I know, I'm dating myself) and there was a song with the line "Just cause you're right that don't mean I'm wrong." I LOVED that line. I've always believed it to be true. I refuse to engage in debates on social media because it seems like very few people can be respectful, and some get downright nasty very quickly. It is a disturbing trend. Maybe that's why I like animals so much ... if you treat them with kindness, they return the favor!

    1. I'm not familiar with that song, but yes! That's exactly how I feel!

      I think maybe I'm a sort of hippie idealist... some of my favorite songs are "Imagine" by John Lennon, and "We Shall Be Free" by Garth Brooks. The realistic side of me knows there will always be some hate in the world, and some turmoil, and people will never always agree, but don't we all want the same basic things? Safety, love, a better life for our next generations? Fighting over things that just don't matter doesn't seem to be the way to get there.

    2. We're on the same basic wavelength! I ask people all the time why it should matter which side of an argument everyone is on. If we'd all stop pointing fingers at each other and LISTEN, we might find ways to achieve a common goal. Hey, as far as I'm concerned, any idea that WORKS is a good idea, even if it wasn't MY idea.
