31 March 2018

31 Days of Self Love - Day 30

Despite the best of intentions, I never hopped back on here last evening to write this out. So, double posts this morning! My day did get better, though, for anyone who actually read my depressed ranting yesterday. On to bigger and better things - and a better attitude today.

What labels (negative and positive) do you assign to yourself? After my rotten day two days ago, and early yesterday, I feel like I have a lot of my negative labels bubbling to the surface.

Let's start with the negatives: I'm critical (but really, only of myself - I see the best in things that everyone else can do, and the worst in what I can do). I feel like this is really my main weakness - that I'm just so critical of myself all of the time. I never feel like I'm good enough in anything I do, or any way that I am. I'm not pretty enough, smart enough, happy enough. Someone else always does everything better than me (even if I know that that's not really true logically).

On to the positives! I'm kind. I'm generally hopeful and optimistic. Recently, I've overcome a lot, and I have learned to be a better person. I'm resilient. I'm tougher than I generally give myself credit for. I'm caring. I'm observant. I have the best of intentions.

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