Three things you want to say to different people...
I sit here debating whether I should do this anonymously, or be bold and open about it... I started writing, though, and I think for the sake of the people involved at least one of them, I should keep identities out of it. If you feel as though these apply to you - perhaps they do. Also, I sat and sat and sat, and tried to think of a third person, but I couldn't think of anyone that I really needed to say something to. You get two, dear readers... only two.
Person #1: I am so proud of you. I think you doubt yourself more than you should, but I really think you are doing an amazing job at everything. I know you feel overwhelmed, and like you are drowning sometimes. I know you get lonely. I know you wonder if you are enough for your son... but you are. You are so very enough. That little boy is going to grow up knowing that his momma cared, that she worked hard to make sure he had everything he could ever need, that she put her own life on the back burner so many times to make sure that he came first. You've always, even before he came along, doubted yourself - and trust me - I get it. But you are so much better than you give yourself credit for. You are doing great - take a moment now and then to admit that to yourself - you deserve it. When you have bad days, just remind yourself that you are awesome. You are doing so much right. Let the bad days come, and then attack the next day with your amazing self. You've got this. I am so very proud to be your friend.

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