31 May 2018

My letter to the ladies on The View

I posted this originally on the Facebook page for the ABC show "The View." The odds of it ever getting seen by any of the panel are slim-to-none, but I wanted to share it here as well, so that I could keep a copy of it on my blog.

Dear ladies of The View,

First, let me start with a confession: I haven't watched "The View" regularly for years - I mean YEARS. Like, the Debbie Matenopoulos days, when I was in high school and would watch the show in the summer or on snow days with my mom - and my extent of seeing anything from it is occasionally catching a snippet someone shared on Facebook, or when YouTube recommends that I watch some clip. I am saying that to tell you that I have NO IDEA what the panel says on the show regularly. I have no idea what political statements are being made (though I do realize which side of the political fence the panel members generally fall on). I have no honest idea if you are saying things nicely and kindly, or if you are spewing hateful rhetoric - because I honestly am not a regular viewer.

I just wanted to let you all know (in the off-chance that any of you actually see this) that some of us are out here, trying so hard to defend the truth. We are trying so hard to squash the clearly-photoshopped shirts, the clearly false tweets, the completely inaccurate articles from "news" sources that are far from reputable. But our voices are tiny, and they don't carry over the screams of those who don't care that what they are saying is false, because it falls into their agenda.

Please know that this doesn't mean I am taking some side, that I am some anti-conservative vigilante attacking Republicans on social media. The truth is, I am very much a middle-of-the-road-gal. I sit here in the middle seeing good and hope on both sides, but also seeing the hypocrisy, the awfulness, and the worst in humanity - on both sides. I will provide sources if someone posts something fueling their far-left agenda that doesn't sound right as well. I am far from political - but I can tell when something just doesn't sound right, and I can use google to validate my concerns, or to sometimes be surprised when the things that sounded a little bit crazy really were true.

Please just know that some of us are out here trying to be the peace, be the voice of reason, be the good change in the world... our voices just can't carry over the noise. I feel like a Who on Horton's dust speck these days, but still I shout - I am here, I am here, I am here.

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