Today's writing prompt is "three confessions of your choice."

Confession #2. I am really bad at adulting. Seriously. I feel like I somehow missed a class on how to be an adult. I can't even cite specific reasons why I think that I am awful at adulting, but it just seems like most people have everything in life figured out, and I am over here with no clue, no direction, and really just no concept of what I am doing. Maybe other people are like this as well, but just hide it better.
Confession #3. I am going through a really strange time mentally/emotionally, where I am questioning just about everything that I thought I wanted, or knew. I guess part of this goes back to my first and second confession... but there are things that I always thought I wanted in life, and I find myself lately wondering if I really do, or if I just thought I wanted those things because I was supposed to want those things. To be clear, I am still unsure about a lot of it, but I also guess I am glad that my life has gone the way it has because I am realizing, well into my thirties, that I am not sure what I really want out of life - and it's actually sort of terrifying.
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