Provide photos of five celebrity crushes? How is this even possible? Can I even think of five? I am realizing that my list/pictures are going to prove to people how very little I watch television in my adult life, and how sort of dorky I was through middle and high school.

Dean Cain! Oh, be still my middle-school-heart! I used to buy those silly teen magazines only when they featured this hunk (in an era where all of my girl friends had crushes on Jonathan Taylor Thomas), and pull out the full-page pictures to hang on my wall. Of course - didn't every teen girl have walls littered with pictures of their celebrity crushes in the nineties?! To this day, "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" is the only superhero show/movie/anything that I care about at all. When I am asked if I wanted to watch some new superhero movie, I look confused, I'm sure, because everyone knows that if it doesn't star Dean Cain as superman, I have zero interest whatsoever. This was probably the start of the realization that I liked older men...

Joe Lando! When I mention him, no one seems to remember the name, and they only vaguely remember "Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman." At least, no one in my age range seems to remember... I was seriously an older lady trapped in a pre-teen or teenager body, because this was my show! I had to be home on Saturday nights to watch Dr. Quinn with my mom. I really just loved the show - and don't remember it having anything to do with the hunky Sully who was always around to save Michaela - but as an adult, I certainly watch the show and admire his good looks. And the long hair? On him? Yes, please. I just wanted to get lost in the woods with this guy and have him teach me survival skills or something. The rugged handsomeness and how he always showed up to save the day? I could even get over the fact that his character's real first name was Byron - because Sully was a huge hunk!

Kyle Chandler! Confession: I have seen about one episode of "Friday Night Lights," and just couldn't get into it - but I really did try, because Kyle Chandler was in it! I was an "Early Edition" girl all the way - yet another show that no one my age seems to remember (I'm telling you! I was so old as a teen!). Not only was this guy good-looking, but he was a good guy (I have no idea about him as a person - I'm clearly talking about the character Gary Hobson who would go out and try to save the world, with tomorrow's newspaper in hand). This was another show that I had to watch every week, and I was obsessed. Maybe I should try again to get into Friday Night Lights so that I can get my Kyle Chandler fix without having to watch Early Edition for what seems like the hundredth time.

Lee Pace! I actually just not had to google his name, because I couldn't remember, and only know him as Ned. Ah, Ned the piemaker. No one seems to know what I am talking about when I mention this show, and sadly it was far too short-lived, although a lot more recent than my other favorites. Ned could bring the dead back to life with the touch of a finger, but only for a minute, or there would be consequences. This is another show that I could watch over and over, the love story between Ned and Chuck always making me feel warm inside - though really, I could mostly relate to the ever-lonely Olive, who clearly was much more like me than Chuck. Ned (err, Lee Pace) has this adorable dorkiness about him, and it's probably another case of falling in love with the character more so than the guy himself, but gosh he's adorable.

John Krasinski! But to be fair, who didn't have a crush on Jim from "The Office"? He was adorable and goofy and loveable. Total confession here, though: I kind of hated him a little toward the end. I mean, at the very end he sort of redeemed himself, but for a while there, he was a real jerk. The first couple of seasons though, he was adorable, and I rooted endlessly for him to get together with Pam (I am noticing a trend here - it isn't so much the actors that I have crushes on, but very much so their characters - but hey, I guess that works, right?). I feel like similar to Lee Pace, he has that cute dorky thing going for him, and that's pretty adorable. I have yet to actually watch anything else with John Krasinski in it, so yup - I just have a crush on Jim from The Office.
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