10 June 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 19

Today, I am supposed to list all of the places that I have lived. I will keep this short and sweet (well, as short as it can be - I have moved quite a bit) because there is a bit of other waiting that I want to work on this evening.

First... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I was born there, and lived there until I was five. I attended kindergarten in Philadelphia before my family moved to northeastern Pennsylvania to a tiny little town called Tafton, where I would spend the rest of my childhood, through high school, until two years after high school. Then, I thought I was big and tough, so I headed back to Philadelphia for college at Temple University, but only spent two years there (I used to have big dreams - long story). I spent a transition period of about six months living in southern New Jersey with two friends and their family, before the three of us moved to Antioch, Tennessee (just outside of Nashville). I lived there for close to three years (one apartment for the first two years, and a different apartment for almost a year). Some things happened, and I moved back to southern New Jersey - living with family for several months, before moving into a hotel for about a month, then a room in a house with random Craigslist people (I used to be a lot dumber in my youth), before getting my own tiny studio apartment in Barrington, New Jersey. I spent about a year in that apartment before moving to a one-bedroom apartment in Blackwood, New Jersey for two years. From there, I shared an apartment with a friend in Deptford, New Jersey for a few months. Some things happened (as is common in my life), and I moved to Stevensville, Maryland where I lived with a friend and his family for about three months before my friend and I found a house to rent in Denton, Maryland. My friend lived with me for the first two years, and then moved out but I stayed in the house. More stuff happened, and I ended up moving back to northeastern Pennsylvania where I currently rent a house from a friend in Greentown, Pennsylvania.

Can you tell that I move a lot? And that apparently a lot of stuff happens in my life?

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